Jinx / Doctor Frost: Joo Jaekyung, a heinous 😈 child 👶 ? (10 pictures)

Please support the authors by reading the manhwas on the official websites. This is where you can read the manhwa. https://www.lezhinus.com/en/comic/jinx_en  But be aware that this manhwa is a mature Yaoi, which means, it is about homosexuality with explicit scenes. Here are the links, if you are interested in the first work from Mingwa, BJ Alex,  https://bebebisous33analyses.com/2021/06/21/who-are-you-the-significance-of-masks-in-manhwas/  and  the previous essay about Jinx  Toxic sweet or sweet jerk? I am also using doctor Frost as reference again.  https://www.webtoons.com/en/mystery/dr-frost/list?title_no=371  Here is the link of the table of contents about JinxHere is the link where you can find the table of contents of analyzed manhwas

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Once again after the release of chapter 12, many readers were upset because of Joo Jaekyung’s behavior. He was called many names, from a.**hole, mother****er to a psychopath. Why? It is because he desired to play with a sex toy for the first time, while the uke was already in bad shape. (chapter 12) He even felt pleasure, thus he didn’t pay attention to the bruise on the doctor’s back. (chapter 12) Due to his lack of sensibility, roughness and selfishness, people are already on the verge of dropping this story. Even the young doctor thought, that guy was crazy. (chapter 12) No average person would behave that way. Thus he was already stigmatized as lunatic and as such as psychopath. Hence in the first part, I will answer to this question.

1. Is Joo Jaekyung a psychopath?

1. 1. The psychopath and the psychologist

Actually, psychologists prefer avoiding this name, for it already contains a negative connotation. People have long connected it to serial killers. Why did the psychologists call this Antisocial Personality disorder? It is because (Doctor Frost, chapter 175) And this stands in opposition to the code of conduct of a psychologist. The word psychopath causes so many negative emotions like fears, rejection and hatred. On the other hand, the psychologist’s role is not only to detect the source of the problem, but also to offer a solution. This means that he is not allowed to let emotions cloud his judgement. (chapter 216) Moreover, the doctor has to show a certain understanding and empathy to the patient in front of him. And now, you are wondering why I am mentioning Doctor Frost again. It is because the protagonist was himself diagnosed as suffering from ASPD!! This diagnosis scared his parents so much that at the end, they started avoiding their own son. He was sent to a psychiatry. However, his doctor still believed that he had a chance to change. Thus he proposed a way to the young boy how to overcome his handicap!! He should study psychology so that he would come to “understand” the human mind. Because he was not capable to feel “emotions” like the others, he should utilize his mind to grasp them. Hence the more he studied the human mind, the more he was able to “understand” their problems. At the same time, the more he interacted with humans, the more he came to learn how to behave like a normal person. As you can see, “psychopath” is not even a death sentence. There’s still hope.

But now, I need to answer to this question. Is Joo Jaekyung suffering from ASPD? Here, I am mentioning a list of signs

Superficial Charm & Charisma, Unnecessary Cruelty or a Mean Streak, Lies, Exaggerations, & Dishonesty, Lack of Accountability & Playing the Blame Game, Need for Power, Control, & Dominance, Sadistic Enjoyment of Pain & Suffering, Boredom & Thrill-Seeking Behaviors, Disregard for Rules, Laws, & Norms, Detached, Cold & Callous Demeanor, A History of Childhood Behavior Problems, Exploitation of Others for Personal Gain, Calculated & Strategic Planning, A Lack of Conscience, Poor Attention Span & Loss of Interest, Violent Tendencies, Abuse, or Aggression, Hostile & Oppositional by Nature, Masters of Deception Quoted from https://www.choosingtherapy.com/signs-of-a-psychopath/

For me, Joo Jaekyung is not suffering from ASPD, because he is no master of deception. He is no pathological liar, he is not guilt-tripping Kim Dan. They had come to an agreement and he is sticking to it. Furthermore, he has no poor attention, since he is so dedicated to his job (chapter 12) and keeps an eye on the doctor constantly. His plan to “have” Kim Dan was poorly planned, for he kept waiting for a sign from him. At no moment, he even thought that the doctor could block him or keep his distance from him. (chapter 5) He doesn’t ooze charisma or superficial charm, for he never hides his strength and power. (chapter 1) He even shows disdain, or strong emotions like rage and annoyance. (chapter 5) To sum up, he is not detached. Finally, he was still able to feel a certain sympathy for the doctor (chapter 10), hence he brought him to his home. He still listened to his request.

I would like my readers to keep in mind that for me, the main lead has been suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury. [For more read the analysis Joo Jaekyung The strongest man in the world]. On the other hand, after reading episode 12, I came to the perception that Joo Jaekyung must have other psychological issues. Besides, the author admitted in an interview that she went to a psychological counseling in order to develop her characters.

1. 2. The psychologist and the champion

Observe what the protagonist from Doctor Frost said about the task of a psychologist: (Doctor Frost, chapter 216) The latter has to observe the patient and question why the person is behaving like that! What are his motivations? So why did Joo Jaekyung propose to try something new with Kim Dan?

Was it out of boredom? I don’t think so. Notice that he only thought of the toy, when the doctor was on his knees and made him the following offer. (chapter 11) This means that the athlete had never been able to use it before with his other sex partners. (chapter 12) All of them must have definitely refused… too scared! This explains why the athlete proposed alcohol to the doctor in the beginning. (chapter 12) Thus I deduce that the man had long this wish, but he could never outlive it. This displays his selfishness. This was not planned in the long run.

But since a human is not simple-minded, I don’t think that the sportsman only acted on this single motivation. Did he use the toy in order to see the physical therapist suffer? I can definitely refute this. First, the doctor admitted to himself that he was feeling “good” (chapter 12), which the main lead had detected either! (chapter 12) This exposes that during that night, the champion was paying more attention to his partner’s reactions contrary to the first night. He even asked him about his feelings (chapter 12), but the doctor refused to admit it. I consider it as an improvement to the first encounter! Besides, he even let the doctor rest after the first round, which he had not done during the first night. (chapter 12) As you can see, he was mindful to a certain extent. Naturally, it was not enough. However, since his words sounded so harsh and cold, the readers only noticed his lack of sensitivity. And if you read my previous essay, you are aware of the existence of the 4 sides-model. The athlete was voicing his frustration. He had enjoyed their last session so much that he wished to have more sex! Please… do something so that you have more stamina! 😉 This was his karma for giving him alcohol. From my point of view, he will never do it again. But to return to my main point, the readers can see, unnecessary cruelty and sadistic enjoyment can be ruled out validating one more time that he is not suffering from ASPD.

Did he desire to employ the toy to prove his dominance or power? Certainly! The man is obsessed with strength! I had already sensed the strong link between his libido and his fighting spirit. However, from my point of view, his wish is to be judged as a man who can provide pleasure! In other words, he would like to be perceived as the champion in bed! This explicates his obsession with Kim Dan in the end. It is because for the first time, he has a clear relationship with someone. It is defined by “money”. And this brings me to the next observation. In front of the bottom, the celebrity called his former partners “fuck buddies” (chapter 12) However, in episode 2, he had called his friend a whore. (chapter 12) How do we explain the discrepancy? It is because deep down, the seme always had the impression that they were more interested in his wealth and fame than in himself. He never trusted them, he believed them to be hypocrites who would offer him presents in exchange for a favor. And now, you have another explanation why Joo Jaekyung is already obsessed with Kim Dan. Their relationship is based on “honesty”. The champion knows that the young physician is only sleeping with him due to his money. But if the doctor came to admit his pleasure right away, the athlete would have the impression that his skills in bed are quite impressive. That’s the reason why when the uke confessed that he hated it (chapter 12), the champion misunderstood the message. (chapter 12) In his mind, he needs to do more so that the young man admits pleasure. However, this relationship is actually based on a lie. Kim Dan deceived his partner by telling him that he was experienced!! This is important, because each objection from the doctor is perceived as a personal rejection. (chapter 12) He wants money and offers his body for sex… yet each time Joo Jaekyung wants to do something, he refuses or makes a remark. That’s the reason why the athlete has to bring up the added condition. Besides, the athlete believes that the young man has always “had sex” for money, therefore he needs to distinguish himself from others. Technically, the doctor could go elsewhere… That’s how Joo Jaekyung thinks! To conclude, I believe that the champion sees the young doctor as a challenge. And as long as the physician doesn’t rectify this lie, the champion will keep misunderstanding the situation. This exposes Joo Jaekyung’s innocence and simplemindedness. He is not able to detect lies or manipulations from Kim Dan validating my diagnosis that he is not suffering from ASPD. For him, the bruises are from a fall, because he trusts his words. That’s the end of the explanation.

But why is he so obsessed with strength then? He hates to be perceived as weak and vulnerable. (chapter 12) His words expose his anxieties. He is trying to hide his mental problems. His physical force serves to hide his secret mental problems. And we have another example of his obsession to mask his vulnerability. Why did the champion provoke Kim Dan by calling him „delicate“? (Chapter 9) He was giving the impression that he was like everyone else. He was appearing strong and healthy. That way he was diverting attention from his abstinence. Note that Kim Dan never asked him to drink. Joo Jaekyung created the illusion that he could drink like everyone else. But he can‘t. Thus in the flat, he just gave a glass to the doctor without drinking it himself. (Chapter 12) Here he acted the same way by pointing out that the doctor was quite the drinker. Imagine the irony, from delicate the physical doctor became a heavy drinker. 😂

2. Manhood and responsibility

What caught my attention is that the athlete compared his partner to a child. (chapter 12) In my eyes, this statement displayed his true thoughts. Inwardly, he is still a child. He has no idea about the worth of things, hence he imagined that Kim Dan had spend 14k in a week for booze! Because of his cheerful expression and exterior, Kim Dan even had a false perception of the toy. (chapter 12) Thus I came to the conclusion that the doctor’s statement is the biggest lie: Joo Jaekyung is not the strongest man in the world, rather a child.

Thus the champion doesn’t act like a responsible person. Notice that he never cleaned his partner after their first round. (chapter 12) The semen is still leaking. It was the same after the sex in the shower. This explains why after their first encounter Kim Dan was so sick. He had no idea what he had to afterwards, and since the athlete thought that the man was no longer a virgin, he envisioned that he knew what he had to do. At the same time, this attitude displays his lack of responsibility. Like a child, he believes that money can solve everything. But he is on his way for a huge awakening.

I have to admit that while reading chapter 12, I constantly saw him as a child. For me, his facial expressions oozes a certain innocence (chapter 12) He is not able to control his exterior.(chapter 12) He is like a child trapped in a man’s body. Here, he was somehow showing off to Kim Dan, like a huge child who was seeking for recognition and admiration. he (chapter 12) Striking is that here he was actually projecting his own thoughts onto the athlete. This displays his incapability to perceive people correctly. He is lacking social skills. Some manhwaphiles criticized the author for such a drawing! The phallus was much too big, this could not be not normal at all. But you have to think that Mingwa drew it from Kim Dan’s perspective. That’s the reason why the poor doctor associated it to a weapon. (chapter 12) That’s how he felt: it was so huge… This childish behavior also explains why he didn’t see the danger of such a sex session with a sick person. And according to my research about Traumatic Brain Injury, it is not abnormal that a patient suffering from TBI starts acting like a teenager or a child.

On the other hand, I believe that there exists another reason. His home is totally sterile. (chapter 6) Analyzing a home of a a person can give us clue about his personality. (doctor frost, chapter 8) There is no trace of his family. Why? This is a sign that he is not close to them. Secondly, I couldn’t help myself thinking of the importance of the parents. The latter serve as a mirror to the child, (doctor Frost, chapter 8) (Doctor frost, chapter 8) This would explain on the one hand Joo Jaekyung’s self-centerness and his desire to obtain fame and recognition. He is compensating the lack of love and sympathy from his relatives. And just because he is “swimming” in money, we shouldn’t judge to the conclusion that he had a happy childhood either. The only adults and role models he has so far are his manager and coach Jeong Yosep. (chapter 5) And note that he listens to them, indicating that he is trusting them a lot. That’s the reason why I am even now envisioning that the main lead could have been neglected by his wealthy family.

Affluent neglect refers to the neglect experienced by children in wealthy families. Often, neglect in wealthier families can be more difficult to spot, as the type of neglect experienced by children and young people in these circumstances is often emotional. […] In wealthy families, it can be the case that parents work long hours, leaving children in the care of paid carers. This can create an emotional disconnect and leave children feeling lonely, with their emotional needs unfulfilled by their parents. It has also been suggested that as well as not spending quality time with their children, affluent parents may put a high amount of pressure on their children to succeed academically, which can sometimes lead to psychological and emotional problems for children. Quoted from https://www.thesafeguardingcompany.com/resources/blog/affluent-neglect/

And the consequences of neglect are multiple and disastrous.

1. Disrupts the ways in which children’s brains develop and process information, increasing the risk for attentional, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral disorders.

2. Alters the development of biological stress-response systems, leading to greater risk for anxiety, depression, cardiovascular problems, and other chronic health impairments later in life.

3. Correlates with significant risk for emotional and interpersonal difficulties, including high levels of negativity, poor impulse control, and personality disorders, as well as low levels of enthusiasm, confidence, and assertiveness.

4. Is associated with significant risk for learning difficulties and poor school achievement, including deficits in executive function and attention regulation, low IQ scores, poor reading skills, and low rates of high school graduation. Quoted from https://developingchild.harvard.edu/science/deep-dives/neglect/

And now, you would have another explanation why the sportsman has a poor vocabulary and keeps using “fuck”. Imagine this idiom is employed for pleasure (chapter 12) and for annoyance. (chapter 12) Under this new light, the manhwalovers can grasp why Joo Jaekyung didn’t study and chose to use his “body” to get recognition and admiration. Besides, this can only reinforce my interpretation that the young man is suffering from psychological problems.

Some manhwalovers might have the impressions that I am excusing the protagonist’s behavior by giving explanations for his behavior. However, this is not my intention. In reality, my desire is that people should continue viewing Joo Jaekyung as a human. By calling him a psychopath, he is turned into a monster, the beginning of hate speech! A sign for intolerance. By doing so, people are missing the author’s intention: a classic BL story. The seme can be considered as a normal person despite his mental issues. She has definitely planned his transformation which is already occurring. The champion allowed the doctor to sleep in the bed again. He only woke him up, because it was time to go to work. (chapter 12) This just shows that he takes his job and career very seriously. He truly believes that Kim Dan’s bruise on the face is due to a fall. Moreover, since Joo Jaekyung is suffering from insomnia, he can not understand what a normal night and sleep is.

Under this new approach, I realized why the main lead was so obsessed with his masculinity. If my theory about Affluent neglect is correct, then he used sexuality to compensate his neglect. Since he was neglected as a child, he thought that if he acted like a real man (a lot of sex), he would be finally noticed and admired. Because he never experienced warmth, kisses and embraces, he is rough while having sex. He has never experiencing it himself. At the same time, such people are mistrusting adults, hence he keeps his distance from people, except his manager and coach. Why? It is because through the admonishing, the young man is sensing that he is taken seriously. So what will Joo Jaekyung do now? I doubt that he will call the ambulance or bring him to the emergency. From my point of view, he will call someone! We have two possibilities: the vicious hospital director or his coach Park Namwoo. That’s how a child would react! Ask the adult for help! Besides, the author left us the following clue: (chapter 1) The champion confides to him certain secrets and lets him clean up the mess. However, since the coach likes Kim Dan very much, Joo Jaekyung will receive a huge scolding from his surrogate father. And before closing this analysis, I would like to add two important aspects: Kim Dan’s role is to teach Joo Jaekyung to become responsible and as such to act as a real adult. Thus he received this task from his manager: (chapter 9) He needs to recognize that masculinity and manhood shouldn’t be reduced to sex, but to maturity. Secondly, since he associates strength with health, I believe that the halmoni’s sickness will open his eyes. She might be ill and weak, she can still speak up and tell her mind without fear! Finally, since the champion is bothered by the doctor’s lack of stamina, I have the impression that he could decide to train Kim Dan! He shouldn’t just stand there, but also develop his muscles. Like I have already mentioned before, sports will be the reason why the two protagonists will get closer! As a conclusion, the protagonist is not evil in my eyes, he is just an uneducated child who definitely needs some good scolding.

As you can see, I still love this story! Why? It is because Joo Jaekyung reminds me a lot of Yoon Seungho who was called many names too in the beginning… Hence I decided to write about him on my blog in order to change this perception! That’s how I started writing about BL manhwas. 😉

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